Icerock CBG
The Icerock is an exceptional product in every respect. Visually, it is reminiscent of the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies. In reality, it's pure pure crystals in which it is coated. Its particularity lies precisely in the addition of 99.4% cannabigerol crystals coupled with 99.98% CBD crystals, a recipe that makes it just as potent as a Sunrock.
420 Green Road brings you Icerock CBG that's second to none. No need to consume large quantities to reach the heights of inner peace. Find out about dosages before tasting.
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All 420 Green Road** products comply with current legislation, with THC levels below 0.3%. Our Icerock is made with top-quality flowers grown indoors. Its final product contains cannabidiol and cannabigerol at 34.3% and 58.5% respectively.
Aware of environmental issues and concerned about the quality of our products, we guarantee that they are grown naturally, without GMOs or pesticides.
This product is to be consumed as an infusion. 420 Green Road cannot be held responsible for any other use of this product.
** 420 Green Road is a trademark owned by Upwily SAS.