Big Bud CBD

Big Bud | Outdoor | 9,05% CBD

Harvest 2023.

Big Bud CBD is our first outdoor flower produced by our beloved French hemp growers. It's a real pleasure to let you discover it!

As you can see from the photo (genuine), Big Bud is really quite beautiful with very few leaves. In fact, it looks more like a greenhouse-grown flower than an outdoor one. You'll be surprised by its herbaceous, spicy flavors, with the occasional cherry scent that we really enjoyed!

Product features :

  • Δ-9-THC : <0.3%
  • CBD: 9.05
  • 100% natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • From: France
  • Appearance: elongated, semi-compact head
  • Strong odor
  • Taste woody, herbaceous, spicy, cherry
  • Variety cultivated in Outdoor / Soil

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Euphoria CBD

Euphoria | Hydroponics | 11.3% CBD

Euphoria CBD is the first flower in our "Primée" category, which groups together all the strains that have won awards in recent competitions. Winner of the 2022 Spannabis competition, Euphoria CBD is the most beautiful CBD flower with the most intense fragrance. You'll soon understand why it's considered one of the best CBD strains of the moment. Enjoy the euphoria - it won't last forever!

Product features :

Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
CBD : 11,7%
Culture naturelle, sans OGM ni pesticides
Provenance : Suisse
Aspect : tête compacte
Odeur très prononcée
Goût doux, skunky, acidulé
Variété cultivée en Indoor / Hydroponie

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Mini Bud CBD France

Mini Bud France | Indoor | 8% CBD

After careful consideration, our French producer and supplier finally gave in to our demands and now offers us a range of Mini Bud CBD France. The result is astonishing. Obtained from blueberry and skunk (soon to be available), these buds give off complex flavours, a scent halfway between freshly picked wild berries and the tangy earthiness characteristic of skunky genetics.

Grown in France in compliance with organic standards, without chemical fertilizers and with love (is that important?), our French Mini Buds will become an excellent way to brighten up your everyday life!

Product features:

  • Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: ~ 8%
  • Remnants of Blueberry and Skunk
  • Indoor varieties

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Northern Light CBD

Northern Light | Indoor | 9,1% CBD

Introducing the third and most potent flower from our beloved French producer: Northern Light CBD. If you liked Blueberry and White Widow, then we can safely say you'll love this one! As famous as it is delicious, this French-grown variety will surprise you with the delicacy of its flavours. All your senses will be on alert with this Northern Light!

Product features :

  • THC : <0,3%
  • CBD: 9.1
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • From: France
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Very pronounced, fragrant scent
  • Intense, fruity, sweet taste
  • Indoor / Soil-grown variety

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Apollo 13 CBC

Apollo 13 CBC | Hydroponics | 13% CBC - 10% CBD

Discover Apollo 13 CBC, our very first flower with a high cannabichromene (CBC) content. This little-known natural cannabinoid offers numerous benefits for your well-being. Although similar to CBD in terms of properties and effect on the endocannabinoid system, some studies suggest that CBC is much more potent, notably in promoting rapid mental relaxation and preventing depression.

Apollo 13 CBC is also a perfect choice for lovers of sweet and tangy flowers, with an appealing taste and appearance. Enjoy its unique advantages and discover the benefits of cannabichromene with this new variety.

Warning: CBC is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. If you have consumed CBC products with intense THC-like effects on another site, please do not consume them. It's not CBC. Cannabichromene (CBC) is a natural cannabinoid cousin of CBD, with relaxing effects, but under no circumstances should you experience any psychoactive effects.

Product features:

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 10% OF TOTAL
  • CBC: 13
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Origin : Italy
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Strong odour
  • Sweet, tangy taste
  • Indoor / Hydroponic variety


Dans un soucis de transparence, il est nécessaire de vous informer que le CBC étant très rare au sein des fleurs de chanvre au naturelle (<1%), la Apollo 13 a reçu un ajout de CBC sous forme soluble dans le but d’augmenter son taux de cannabichromène artificiellement.

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Candy Jack CBG

Candy Jack | Hydroponics | 22.5% CBG

Candy Jack CBG is hydroponically grown on the Austrian plains. Its compact, light-green color, dotted with orange pistils, gives off the variety's characteristic sweet fragrance, combined with earthy, lemony notes inherited from its Skunk genetics. Almost as powerful as our Agent Orangewith a very high CBG content (>20%), Candy Jack will appeal to an entirely different audience with its sweety flavours and magnificent buds.

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBG: 22.5% OF SALES
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Product with added crystals + terpenes
  • Source: Austria
  • Appearance: compact
  • Odour: pronounced
  • Taste : Mild, Sweet, Earthy, Lemony
  • Indoor / Hydroponic variety


In the interests of transparency, we must inform you that this flower has had CBG crystals added in soluble form to artificially increase its cannabigerol content. Natural terpenes have also been added to enhance its olfactory qualities.

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Agent Orange CBG

Agent Orange | Indoor | 24% CBG

Agent Orange CBG, freshly arrived from Austria, will appeal to fans of citrus varieties with a very high CBG content. Compact, light green with very present orange pistils, it's easy to recognize! The result of a cross between Orange Velvet and Jack The Ripper, Agent Orange CBG will remind you of hot summer days spent lounging by the water. Its CBG content has a lot to do with this feeling: at 24%, you're guaranteed to have a relaxing time, both psychologically and muscularly. After all, summer's not so far away!

Product features :

  • THC : < 0.3%
  • CBG: 24% OF SALES
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Product with added crystals + terpenes
  • Appearance: compact
  • Pronounced citrus scent
  • Taste with light citrus notes
  • Indoor / Soil-grown variety


In the interests of transparency, we must inform you that this flower has had CBG crystals added in soluble form to artificially increase its cannabigerol content. Natural terpenes have also been added to enhance its olfactory qualities.

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Blueberry CBD

Blueberry | Indoor | 8,9% CBD

Blueberry CBD is our first flower grown indoors in our beautiful country. Magnificent, with compact buds and a long-lasting scent that can perfume a room just by opening the bag, it has nothing to envy of Swiss or Italian flowers. On the contrary, we were so surprised by the extraordinary quality of this "made in France" product that we decided to team up with its producer to offer you a complete range of flowers grown in France. Blueberry CBD is the first of a long list! If you're a fan of varieties with fruity, berry-like flavours, don't hesitate - you won't be able to get enough of them any time soon.

Product features:

  • Δ-9-THC : < 0.3%
  • CBD: 8.9
  • Natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Appearance: compact head
  • Very pronounced odour
  • Fruity taste, red fruit, strawberry
  • Indoor / Soil-grown variety


This flower is totally natural. It is unadulterated, with no added terpenes, and grown in compliance with organic standards.

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CBD Therapy

Therapie CBD Bio | Outdoor | 9,2% CBD

Therapie CBD is our outdoor flower with the highest natural CBD content. And that's not all: it's officially the cheapest of our range, and that's not about to change given the prices we're charging for this highly reputed variety. With a sliding scale of up to 1.4€ / G, it'll be hard to beat! Woody and earthy, it combines all the taste characteristics of a good outdoor hemp flower. Grown by the same grower as 420 Pineapple Express, it's guaranteed 100% organic. Unlike its sister, we've decided to leave it in its raw state, with no added CBD or terpenes, in order to offer you the best possible price and a genuine 100% natural flower for purists.

Product features :

  • THC : <0.3%
  • CBD: 10% OF TOTAL
  • 100% natural cultivation, without GMOs or pesticides
  • Origin : Switzerland
  • Appearance: lightweight, semi-compact head
  • Strong odor
  • Herbaceous, woody, fruity taste
  • Variety cultivated in Outdoor / Soil

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Fruit Juice CBD

Fruit Juice | Indoor | 16,7% CBD

Fruit Juice CBD is a flower much appreciated for its fruity, sweet aromas. A far cry from the berry flavours of a Blueberry for example, Fruit Juice CBD grown indoors in northern Italy has developed a much more exotic and tropical taste, garnished with the characteristic freshness of freshly picked fruit ready to be consumed with envy!

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